
Thursday, 21 February 2013


          Before you  start to question me I would ask myself this question already as to what rights I possess to get myself involved in such weighty issues as this? Probably I should keep my mouth shut and get myself occupied with lesser and more inferior thought patterns.
        Yes, the black cardinal cannot become POPE. Never !
It is by far easier for a white woman to be made pope than it is for a black cardinal.  yes I just said it and I can repeat myself a thousand times all the days of my life until I rest in death. You do not have to agree my friend.
       Now I had made this statement on my Facebook page and had several so called Catholics coming at  me teeth and claws all bared out! To tear me in pieces ? I was no longer fit to live after making such grievous and blasphemous observation. I had been proclaimed fit for my own crucifix perhaps maybe upside down this time just like peter ? One of the replies I gave to my would be judges who had already condemned me to death by tearing to pieces was that if a black man is made POPE in the catholic church the white men are all going to desert the church. They would all loose faith. Ever seen sailors abandon a sinking ship on the order of the captain ? Abandon ship !
 That exactly is what would happen with same matter of urgency and speed.
Now I do not in any way want to pose as a prophet of doom or  any sort, I am just trying to pronounce the obvious!

Monday, 28 January 2013


john paul: WHY I AM RICHER THAN BILL GATES AND THE QUEEN OF E...:         Hello my readers, so glad to be with you again. I want to sell the best of jobs in the world to you. I am a pastor in Nigeria and i ...


john paul: " WE DONT NEED FEMALE CHILDREN ":        ' The Girl child is Bad investment.'         Bringing up the girl child in India is seen as watering a flower in another man's court...


john paul: WHY I AM RICHER THAN BILL GATES AND THE QUEEN OF E...:         Hello my readers, so glad to be with you again. I want to sell the best of jobs in the world to you. I am a pastor in Nigeria and i ...


        Hello my readers, so glad to be with you again. I want to sell the best of jobs in the world to you. I am a pastor in Nigeria and i really love my job.  I have been a pastor in Nigeria all these years and i repeat again that it is the best job in the world ..I am not going to send my sons to the University , a very big "NO" !  it is a big waste of time in this country. The best they'll have is school for theology for trainee pastors maybe a duration of two years max ! So they can take over the church from me when i lay in peace. The church umpire and business must remain within my family cycle.
         You cannot be wondering why i decided to take this decision. These are my reasons anyway.  Why wait for my salary at the end of 30 calender days when i can earn every sunday evening after my treasurers count the offering bags ?  Nigerians are very greedy people wanting to get money without work. A bunch of very very lazy people, go check out the churches, they are all filled up to overflowing you can hardly get anywhere to sit on a sunday morning, very booming business places. Donations ! Donations!! Donations!!! Bazars! Thanks giving come you all, sow a seed. sow more get more !. come donate your cars, donate your houses to me your pastor. Politicians! come to me i would pray for you at these times of elections but do not forget to bring my returns to me after you have assumed political office, bring me gifts at my birthday celebrations. Dash me cars, state of the art cars! private jets are also welcomed. what the poor church members would say or think ? Oh ! forget those people, you would always have the poor in our midst, they are beggers and they will never be satisfied. how much is a good private jet anyway ? Its just about 4.5 billion naira per unit and what if i park two ? So what if i fly a private jet anyway ! Jesus came poor so that we would be abundantly rich! My family and i.
     Now my church members if you rob me by refusing to tithe you rob god ! and a curse is already upon you, a curse is upon your head, your poverty would be worsened. you would become poorer than those rats you see hiding within the cracks in these church walls. sicknesses would be your portion everyday of your already poor lives, a curse be upon you if you refuse to bring the little you work for and earn, if you refuse to give offerings, if you refuse to tithe ! Am not the one who said it, look! its in your bibles.
     All I have to do is the weekly washing of my members minds, suppress their minds, bring a fear upon their hearts, frighten them ! The wrath of god be upon those who do not tithe, who do not bring their offerings, the cankerworms would be unleashed upon their vineyards upon their businesses. Do not forget that if you rule a man's mind you rule him. Subdue the mind subdue the man,  leave him in bondage in fear, hypnotize him with what he fears most and he would surrender all to you.
    Ever  heard of the widows might ? Yes! tell them. She had nothing but brought the last she had to the church, though we did not hear anything about her in the bible after the incident. hypnotize them they would listen afterall they have nothing else to live for.
     You do not have to invest from the money you earn, come i would show you a more lazy way of investing, you do not have to work too hard, you do not have to invest, bring your money for investments just bring all you earn, bring your feeding money, bring the money for your children's school fees and house keeping, bring the money for your health needs and routine health check ups , bring all the monies for home maintenance and I would pray for you. Come,  sow it in church and it would be multiplied and returned back to you in hundred fold you lazy and foolish members who do not want to thill the ground, who do not want to work and invest but want to fold arms and sit waiting for returns. Give to me your pastor bountifully, you would reap bountifully! The church has become interest banks and the stock exchange, come buy shares at interest and your monies would be multiplied back to you with interests. Claim it, receive it !
      However you must keep these secrets  you journalist from my foolish church members, my children are in the best of schools in the United kingdom, they fly in my private jets with me, they are taken to school in my private jets when school resumes, I go for routine medical health checkups in the best of hospitals in Germany and the United Kingdom and India, secretly, I eat the best of meals and freshest of fruits and vegetables, I live in fully airconditioned homes the mosquitoes cannot bite me so how can i come down with malaria ?  My church members foot the bills, yes they do. My foolish lazy church members pay for the maintenance of my private jets, they pay for jet fuel, for my hospital routine health checkups. they pay for my medical bills. Then i come back and tell the sick amongst them because they could not afford two square meals and adequate proper diet and nutrition, who did not have money left to buy mosquito nets because all have been given to church, those of them who remain poor because they have brought  the little they earned to church and cannot afford routine health checkups in best of hospitals, I tell them the reason they remain in their poor sorry state is because of the secret sin they still commit and they have to fast more.
     My church members so dedicated, so easily deceived,they no longer have minds of their own, all i have to do is show them the bible, and my work becomes easier, they do not even go back home to read the bible on their own like the early time christians so I manipulate them like cows.
     Nigerians, the most lazy but most religious people in the world yet no morals, no ethics, no true religion! the pastors are a reflection of their church followers of which am one.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


       ' The Girl child is Bad investment.'
        Bringing up the girl child in India is seen as watering a flower in another man's courtyard.
       "Infanticide"......" Fetocide"...
        I stumbled across these words and ever since they left me wondering, thinking. Then I decided to go to school on these terms. My discovery was very shocking.
In india whenever a couple is expecting a baby they go for an abdominal ultrasound scan at 12 weeks gestation to determine the sex of the unborn child, if she turns out to be a girl she is  killed before birth and if he is male then he can go on to complete term and be born and the family members are very joyful including the mother and are all in a celebration and festive mood. Do I see a mark of surprise escape from your face ? This is not  a fiery tale or history like in the times of Mary Slessor who abolished the  killing of twins in Africa. This is as true as it is very present with us now, the  21st century. Infact it was discovered recently in a tribe in India that there where no female children. My question is as good as yours. Where did they all go to, where are they ? Where are the females ? Have the men all of a sudden all become very fertile men that all their wives  give birth to are boys ? Where are the young growing female children ? Where are the young ladies ? How do these men get married, to who ? On further research I learn that importation of very beautiful and rich wives to be who are willing to pay very handsome dowries have become a very lucrative business in those regions.
        Studies show that an estimated 12 million female babies have been killed in the last decade in India alone.
Poorer couples who cannot afford the cost of a sex determining ultrasound allow the baby to term but just at labour the family members of the expectant mother simply inform the birth attendants and midwives that if she turns out a babygirl they need not show the baby to them, instruction is given to get rid of the baby.
Did i puzzle you a second time ? These are true words. You can take me to the bank on them. This left me wondering myself, get rid ? How ? Then i went further on my research on how the girl child is gotten rid of in India. My answers got me more confused and stunned ! i got these few methods.
     (1) the newborn baby girl is suffocated to death with a wet towel
     (2) An insecticide or substance known as calatropis is sniffed into her nostrils
     (3) or she is quietly and gradually starved to death, she falls ill and is hid at home and not taken to a health facility. she is then said to have died of natural causes.
        Back here in Africa ever noticed the usual reaction after family members get the news that their daughter inlaw has put to bed ? The impulsive question that follows next is Boy or Girl ?
A Boy ? Then the celebration is visible, the family members are joyful, the new mother is herself very glad and rested. She has finally stamped her rightful place in the home. if she turns out a baby girl you can bet the mother is going to try again.
        Do we really need female children, do we need the girl child ? who needs the girl child ? Bad investment,tendering a flower in another's courtyard ?
       Of what use is the girl child ? To be beaten ? To be raped, married off at the age of 13yrs to get impregnated by her over 40 yrs husband and have a very difficult obstructed labour, finally coming down with a vesicovagina fistula and be abandoned by the husband after pungent urine smell becomes her perfume ? Or to be considered not fit for school or sacrifice for her younger brother when funds at home cannot cover for both her school fees and that of her younger brother ?
       The girl child is not needed in society ! she is constantly being punished for comiting one henious crime -
Not being a male child !

john paul: john paul: THE GOSPEL SEX.

john paul: john paul: THE GOSPEL SEX.: john paul: THE GOSPEL SEX. :               " SEX is a magic symphony between two lovers, God conducts the orchestra !"           SEX!  And...

Thursday, 10 January 2013

john paul: THE GOSPEL SEX.

john paul: THE GOSPEL SEX.:               " SEX is a magic symphony between two lovers, God conducts the orchestra !"           SEX!  And am laughing, in short am alr...

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


              " SEX is a magic symphony between two lovers, God conducts the orchestra !"

          SEX!  And am laughing, in short am already getting excited,  but careful my reader, i do not mean that am getting aroused.  It would take me a real talented woman to get me to that phase *wink.
  For those marriages I would have succeeded in saving by the end of this article I implore you to show your gratitude, thank me later. I often ask my female friends this question. Who enjoys sex more, between the man and the lady ?  I leave that to your pondering little  mind my friend or maybe you can call me up or leave an answer below on the comment spot. Your reply would really be appreciated.
          Discussing sex with several young ladies, married and single I have come to discover how very uncomfortable the topic could make one become.Brings out lots of goose bumps and am there sat in utter shock  staring,wondering, Why ? Really !   Do not get me wrong, there are a few exceptions though. I have met very wonderful young ladies who want to portray a very bold feminine side,
I mean where do phrases like "Eat the vagina, it is a  red cherry very friendly fruit" come from ? Trust me you would not get that in any book anywhere in the world. All rights reserved! Now i could imagine the facial expression you are wearing. Oops!
I must warn you that the topic "sex" is one in which am very comfortable in.It brings out my primitive uninhibited inner self, no shame, no regrets! Sex is as natural as drinking a glass of water. Its as natural as eating and going to the rest room to 'pee or pass stool.
         NO SEX IN THE GRAVE, NO ERECTION IN THE GRAVE, NO ORGASM IN THE GRAVE!!! Sex is for the living. Even the angels envy man when it comes to sex. They cannot enjoy it. It is not in their purview!
And therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they two shall become one flesh. - Bible quote
They shall cleave to each other becoming one flesh - sex, sexual union, sexual intercourse. The Holy book was refering to  sex.
The Holy book is a book for lovers. Songs of Solomon 4;1-5,7.
        Now, sex God Himself ordained with the bed undefiled. Sex for the married couple. However i would also leave you few questions my reader. Is a "blowjob" permitted between married couples ? Is anal sex permitted ?  I heard couples involved in these will burn straight in the hottest part of hell ? Please get back at me soon as you find genuine answers to these questions as i usually entertain a cloudy head whenever  I ponder on these.
Not forgetting that the answers to these few but very grave questions have cost many women their men to much younger girls out there who are ever willing to experiment and find out the 'joys of sex' bringing out the sexual glow and fullness of youth in these 'adultrous  husbands'.
Then I remember a true life comedy I witnessed for myself maybe one in which I was also a part of. I walked into a film store sometime in the early 20s to rent a movie and there I saw two women within the range of  about 45yrs of age trying to rent adult movies 'Blue films' and I thought to myself  " There is fire on the mountain !!!"
Let me paint you a picture, clear your mind just incase I got you a bit confused. Someone has been ignored by the husband after years of pleading that the 'sexually stiff ' and boring woman tries something new in bed. But with her constant replies of " No" and refusal to his pleas. The man has finally hit a goldmine outside matrimony, he is finally free! She wakes up one morning and realises she is up against stiff competition. There is a new cat on the blog ! Now she is willing to try something new. All of a sudden she is willing to save her marriage. But the husband is hands and foot down the pit. The ship long sailed.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013